If you would have asked me 15-20 years ago what prosperity meant to me, I would have given you a list that would have catered to my physical well being and selfishness. So what changed? Stay tuned…
Rejection is not something we like. It is very painful and our emotions get tied up in a bunch while our minds race with self doubt self worth… listen in as we learn to deal with rejection.
“What! Rest? Are you nuts? Do you know how much work I have to do?” Ever felt like that? Too busy to stop! You’re not alone stay tuned as Buffy shares what happened to her.
Spirit To Spirit, The Deeper Connection
Have you ever wondered why you can be so busy and never get anything accomplished; but when you’re in the groove you accomplish more in a shorter period of time than ever before. Listen in to the broadcast as Buffy explains the connection.
There are times in our lives that we face an unknown. We don’t know what to do, where to go and everything that we thought we were supposed to do or accomplish seems to be at a stand still. Sound familiar? Listen in as Buffy helps you navigate and understand where you are.
Starting Over
The most difficult thing to do is to start over. Somehow we feel like failures, but that need not be. Listen in as Buffy shares that starting over is not such a bad thing.
The Goodness of The Lord
When we look over our lives and all of our experiences good or bad sometimes we have difficulty in seeing how it could all work out for good. It is rather amazing that God has planned his goodness toward us before we were created. Do you recognize His goodness in your life?
The Tolerance Gospel
What in the world is going on out there? Listen in as Buffy shares with you just a few examples of the culture of inclusiveness, progressive unity, tolerance and pluralism gospel. Confused? Don’t be it was all foretold.
The Tongue
It never ceases to amaze me how something can come flying out of my mouth and BAM I find myself in trouble. How many of us have lashed out at someone and later regret saying those things? How do we clean up our act? Stay tuned…