Where do you place your allegiance? Have you ever heard someone say “I’ve tried religion, it didn’t work for me.” Let’s explore why not.
Want to give up? Wondered why you even married the person in the first place? What is a perfect or even a godly marriage for that matter? Listen in and you may be surprised.
What was Jonah’s dirty little secret? Is it the same as ours? Listen in as Buffy reveals what was hiding behind the “Mask”.
Men of Valor
Using the story of Gideon, Buffy St. John encourages men to “Take Your Place” as men of honor, men of valor.
Move On!
Do you ever find yourself looking back at the past? What you should have done or what you have accomplished? Isn’t it time to MOVE ON? Listen in and get up and get going!
Need Wisdom?
People sometimes equate wisdom with good advice, good sound decisions, financial and spiritual ‘success’ but what is wisdom and more importantly how do we get it?
Why is obedience so difficult? What has obedience got to do with bungee cord jumping? Stay tuned and listen in as Buffy shares.
Ever wanted to just give up and quit? Don’t feel like your life matches what you profess or show others? Then this message is for you!
The tendency to exalt ourselves and demand our rights, to pamper our egos, subvert truth and resist authority is inherent in every one. What do we do with our pride?